AMD to make a bigger splash with Radeon HD 7970 3D card

AMD to make a bigger splash with Radeon HD 7970 3D card

AMD is all set to release a new 28-nanometer chip, especially designed for 3D gaming gadgets, in January 2012 and it has been named, Tahiti is also code names as the new gaming king. The new card will carry a pricing tag of $550 and will officially be launched on January 9.

Good News for Avid Gamers

It would not be wrong to say that the 3D card works pretty much quicker as compared to dominant GeForce GTX 580 from Nvindia. One can achieve commendable transistor density and it does not even consume more power nor generates much heat. For the gamers, this graphics card should come as a surprise package particularly for those with multiple monitors as you can easily run three displays from the HD 7970. By far, this is the only card that is capable to handle display outputs (in 3D) driven from more different monitors simultaneously.

Interesting Feature

Another interesting feature which will hold your attention is discrete digital multipoint audio which gives you the facility of sending several audio signals (in discreet format) from on computer device. This certainly is a very exciting feature. With Radeon HD 7970, AMD is expected to make a bigger splash. Stay tuned for more updates on this!



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