8GB iPhone 4 to be released

Reuters had recently released an exclusive stating that there are high chances that an 8GB version of the iPhone 4 will be released in a few weeks. This comes to a surprise to many because previously, iPhone 4 was available only in 16GB and 32GB respectively.

The 8GB iPhone 4 will be a lot cheaper than the other two versions of iPhones as Apple struggles to gain market that it had once dominated but recently lost to two operating systems: Android and Windows Phone 7. As of date, there is no definite answer for the new price of the iPhone although experts speculate that the price will not go below the $200 line.

Many more speculate that the iPhone 5 will be announced on September although there are no clear dates as to when it would be. The new iPhone 5 will definitely be worth the wait and reports stated that Apple had urged its factories to speed up the production of 45 million units of the new iPhone. With such number of units, there is no telling whether there will still be inadequate supply of the iPhone during its first week of release as this had happened with the release of previous versions of the iPhone.



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