The launch of Android based gadget, the Sony Xperia Ion, was announced on Monday although a release date or price details have not yet been announced. The handset is expected to be launched in a few months, in LTE 4G network of AT&T’s. Overall, it looks to be the best Xperia brand of Sony smartphones to be launched till date. Let us have a look to some of its details.
It has a 4.6 inch display (HDMI), 12MP camera, TV launcher interface and a sleek design. It has 1280 x 720-pixel display resolution that uses Sony Bravia Engine. However, the best part of the now Sony turned Sony Ericsson is its camera quality which is unmatched by most mobile manufacturers.
Using With a Dock
The Sony Xperia Ion can be used with a docking arrangement and thus a larger display can be obtained. The dock is extremely much similar to the Motorola Webtop experience that can be used in gadgets like Droid Razr and Droid Bionic. One can view photos, play music, and send texts from the comfort of the sofa at home. Sony also claims that the phone is capable of being controlled by a TV remote!
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