Angry Birds Cookbook and Robin Williams Siri

We have another look at some of the weirder stories that graced the internet over the past 7 days that you probably didn’t see.

Angry Birds Cookbook
While most of us search for cookbooks by the likes of our favourite celebrity chefs Rovio Entertainment, creators of 'Angry Birds' has unleashed a cookbook of their very own. Call it crazy or just clever marketing, only the number of sales will tell. Angry birds have racked up quite a fan base and may well become a huge hit. Watch out Gordon Ramsey, looks as if there'san angrier chef than you in town.

Nokia N8 Shooting Feature film
At some point or another we have all used our mobile phones to do some form of amateur filming. Imagine shooting a feature film? Well that is what a team of independent directors have done using the Nokia N8. They want the film to appear in theaters across America and it looks like they might just get their wish.

Nasa puts a washing machine in space
Who ever thought that space cowboys didn't change their underwear? It’s not really something that one thinks about, but apparently NASA has commissioned a small disinfectant company UMPQUA to create a washing machine so that astronauts can wash their dirty smalls while in space.

Clever Glasses
In Japan Professor Kuniyoshi took years to perfect the ultimate pair of glasses, which according to the grapevine allows you to find item’s that you have lost. You tell the glasses what’s missing and it will play into your eye the last time you saw the item. I think somebody has been watching too much Terminator. What we want to know is, what happens when you lose the glasses?

£12,000 Telephone Number
Usually when one goes to purchase a mobile phone, you don’t pay more for the number than you do your handset. A mobile telephone number in Bahrain is on sale for $19,000 around £12,135, because of, none other than err the aesthetics. Maybe if the buyer puts the numbers on the lottery they can win the money back.

Defibrillator Toaster
Defibrillators are used to revive people right? Well it seems that an industrial designer has came up with a crazy idea to make toast using one of these things. I wonder if they have a similar device if your steak is too rare?



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