Introducing Epson Moverio BT-100

Epson has just announced their latest product is Moverio BT-100 which is a multimedia spectacles that we can use to watch movies.

Which makes it also quite different is the screen in the glasses itself where Moverio BT-100 uses a translucent screen so that we can still see what is happening around and Epson’s own claim that this is the world’s first multimedia spectacles that have a translucent screen.

Uniquely for Moverio BT-100-based Android OS 2.2 then we can also use these glasses for browsing on the internet and even fill out Android applications.

If your question is how browsingnya or clicks, in Moverio BT-100 also included a tool that also control the trackpad.

To screen itself has a size equivalent to when we watch on a 320 inch sized TV with a distance of 20 m and has a resolution of QHD.

Moverio BT-100 also provides Wi-Fi connection and there is 1 GB of internal memory plus a memory card slot SDHC 4 GB which is included in the sales package.



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