HTC Users: Waiting for Ice-Cream Upgrade? Just Two months to go

Those of you who have been waiting to get their Google’s latest version of Android, Ice Cream Sandwich; there is good news for them as HTC has confirmed upgrade for Android 4.0.

Handsets Applicable for Upgrade

In a post on Facebook, HTC said; we know how excited our customers are about the upgrade and we are excited to announce the news. Customers can enjoy the latest version of Android in devices including the HTC Sensation XL, HTC Rezound, HTC Sensation, HTC Sensation XE, HTC EVO Design 4G, HTC Amaze 4G and the HTC EVO 3D. Actually not much phones would have the latest version, as the list is not very long. Sadly, users of Desire S and Incredible S gadgets would not be able to enjoy the upg


HTC Resources on FB

HTV via Facebook said, “We are assessing our product portfolio on a continual basis so stay tuned for more updates.” The CEO of HTC said, we might be releasing a follow up to the Flyer. Also he added by saying tablets is one arena we would like to try as well as test just to make sure whether we can make ourselves stand out in this fierce competition or not.



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