Apple’s iTunes subscription service initially launched to a whole host of backlash this past February. Things have cooled down so they’re introducing the same model for games.
The subscription service for games will initially launch with publisher Big Fish. For $4.99 a month (it will jump $2 in price early next year) you’ll be able to play all of their iOS games. It’s not entirely clear if the service will stream the games each time you want to play, but one thing is for sure and that is you’ll need an Internet connection to do so. There is a strong chance you’ll download the game and have to connect to the Web for authentication purposes. Ideally they’d follow a Spotify or Rhapsody model, which requires you to reconnect every thirty days to continue playing downloaded content. At least that’s the way we’d do it for those that are traveling and don’t always have access to a WiFi connection.
Big Fish still hasn’t made an official announcement, but they did speak directly with Bloomberg news, so the service or model is legit. To access the games, or service, you’ll need to download an app, which is only available in iTunes app store, though they say there will be an Android version very soon.
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